peaberry green

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Learning to Fly

It's pretty much impossible to live in a town like Hood River, which is so well known for its wind sports, and NOT get hooked. Enter kiteboarding.

We met our buddy Russ on the beach in Lyle, WA for some kiting lessons and took a moment for a pre-kiting photo op—Tom in his super hero costume and me in my blueberry.

Tom and Russ walked the kites out to the sand bar, while Drake splashed alongside. He likes to chase and bark at the kites.

Tom getting a feel for the power of the kite.

And it's up there!

The first step in learning how to kiteboard is to launch a trainer kite and practice doing little figure 8s. Once you can handle that, you graduate to a bigger kite. Then you get in the water without the board and use the power of the kite to do "body drags", which is just what it sounds like. Add the board into the mix and wah-lah, you're a kiteboarder! Sounds easy enough, right??? Not so much. The kite is not to be taken lightly or it might just lift you up and slam you down somewhere on the railroad tracks.

Here's Kate learning how to control the kite. Kate and Tom both took a turn getting yanked face-first into the water.

Some post-lesson Blue Moons with a view. Pretty good for a weeknight. ;)

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