peaberry green

Friday, June 22, 2007


Since Tom brought his truck out to Oregon, we've been doing a lot more off-road exploration. We have shuttled the biking trails at Post Canyon a few times this season, so in regular Tom-fashion, he took it upon himself to see how far he could go. Little Tommy came home super-excited one day after finding the top of Post Canyon, at a hilltop clearing called Binn's Hill. This hilltop offers great view of the Hood River Valley, the local volcanoes and even a sliver of the Columbia.

The wind was really moving the layers of clouds. A big cloud would slide out of the way to reveal the view and a moment later a group of poofy little clouds would come sliding in, covering it up again. Especially spectacular from Binn's Hill are Mount Hood and Mount Adams.

Majestic Mount Hood to our south.

Mount Adams is always smilin' to our north.

From this angle on a cloudless day, you can also see Mount St. Helens and Mount Rainier off in the distance in WA. Good find, young man. This is a great place to enjoy a sunset and a few cold ones.

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