peaberry green

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Black mummy and the mechanic

Tom says, "I don't look anything like a black mummy. More like a really retarded ninja. :("


I had a really fun halloween. I left all my wigs and capes in Pennsylvania, so I had to get creative this year.
A guy I work with, Karl and his wife, Andrea (who is from maryland and lived in philly for 6 years) have a band called "More Powerful Astronaut" and they were playing at one of the local bars in Hood River for halloween. Admission was $6 with a costume and $12 without, so it was good motivation to come up with a costume. When i got home from work that night, Tom and I spent 3 hours figuring out what we were going to be. I considered being a granny or a catholic school girl, but I decided I would wear my dark green dickies jumpsuit and a hat and smear grease all over my face. I was a grease monkey! I cleaned off my bike chain with a rag, but there wasn't enough dirt, so we smeared actual bike grease out of a tube and onto my face. i wouldn't have been surprised if i would have ended up with half of my face burned off from the chemicals in it. The things I do for authenticity!

We tried a couple different costumes for Tom–male nurse, park ranger. Finally, Tom found big rolls of black felt that he had and decided to be "black mummy". So, we cut the felt into strips and started experimenting with wrapping him up. We thought we had it figured out and we went to play kayak water polo in the community pool. about 20 people played on halloween night from 8:00-9:30. even the pope showed up (costume).

So, we raced home from the pool (a quick mile) and started getting our costumes on. It was 9:45 already. I got my stuff on pretty quick and then I helped wrap up the "black mummy". We ran out of felt and Tom had to go cut more. When he was going up and down the steps, his wrappings started to come off and I could hear him yelling and swearing. He came upstairs, frustrated and sweating through the felt, and said, "This black mummy is the worst idea I've ever had. It's falling all apart. I'm not going to make it to the party." I assured him that I could fix his mumminess and I tied the wrappings on him in so many spots and so tight that I couldn't imagine how he was going to take a leak. haha. So, he was pretty worried that his costume sucked and that it was going to fall off. Off to the party anyway! When we came around the corner where the bar is at, all these people were standing outside and they gasped and were all like "black mummy is awesome", so then Tom was happy and yelled, "black mummy power!" and "NOBODY Fs with black MUMMY!" comic relief from black mummy.

The party was really fun. The band was AWESOME! We danced and Tom went up on stage for the costume contest. We had a black mummy cheering section, but we couldn't beat the guy dressed up like a mexican. There was also a dude dressed up as a hospital patient complete with crutches. he spent most of the night hitting people with his crutches while he "danced" in a drunken stupor. we took bets on how many minutes it would be before he fell to the floor. he had a fluid bag filled with fake blood attached to a stick on his shoulder that ended up popping open and soaking some of my co-workers. at that point, i took away his crutches and hid them. all the people around us were giving me "thank-you-for-saving-me" eyes. kind of ironic that the guy with the crutches was injuring people. there was also a chick dancing around like she needed to get F'ed. She was up on stage with her crotch up in the air, starting to undo her own jeans and pushing some guys face in her crotch. i'm sure she makes her mother proud. Let's tie this all together in a nice bow that makes sense: On my way out of the bar, I used the ladies room. I heard yelling and a scuffle in the hallway. When I opened the door, the slutty crotch chick and the hospital patient guy were in a fist fight in the hallway. Black mummy and the mechanic were NOT amused. hehe. All in all, a GREAT halloween!

Fun, fun time. missed taking my buddies trick-or-treating though. :)


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