peaberry green

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Forgotten Project

"181 Indiana"

Not so much forgotten as never realized. I took a whole bunch of shots about a year ago for a project called "Forgotten Spaces." "181 Indiana" was of one of the many abandoned and rotting places in Shenandoah until recently and was actually at the end of the street my mother and father live on. I also took photos of some of the old colleries in Schuylkill County... it's always fun crawling where you don't belong...AND I can always get my mom to go with me, because she loves lookin' at old, weird stuff. The buildings I photographed had been standing abandoned my whole life--almost 30 years, until very recently. It seems every time I revisit my hometown, another one of these places has been razed. Maybe it's time to revisit "Forgotten Spaces."

Monday, June 26, 2006

My next adventure!

SOOOOOOO much has happened in the past two months, two weeks, two days, two minutes. Lots of difficult choices and lots of pathways to choose from. I feel like the most lucky person in the world to have my freedom and curiosity. I keep hearing that from the bottom, you can only go up. I'm going to keep climbing fast and furious-like because I know something amazing is waiting for me at the exosphere.

Off this week to someplace beautiful. I have an ineffable feeling of affection for nature. I think immersing myself in her for a week will help me draw my trail map. I'm looking for a COMPLETE CATHARSIS.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


What a great feeling. :)